Sticky silver text in the gallery window!

A view of the street-facing window of the gallery with silver text on the wall and window, advertising the show and the scheduled tea parties which attracted quite a few people who shared their tea cosy stories, memories & thoughts for the future glorious of tea cosies in general Thats my brother, Ramon, wearing Teacosy* Number 24; Shearing Shed Cosy at The Falls (music) Festival at Marion Bay south of Hobart, earlier this year...we have no idea who the young women are...they just ran up to him for the photo and ran off again straight away!! Ta girls!!

View of the facing wall with Teacosy* Number 16; The Constant Gardener, again, showing more Teacosy* Revolution Portraits and applied text in silver from the Teacosy* Revolution Manifesto.

The delightfully green, 'Teacosy* Number 28; The Hill of Tara' cosy, made in honour of The Hill of Tara in Ireland, west of Dublin (I think), which lies on a planned route of a new highway and is scheduled to be bulldozed..."it's not so much a hill, more a lump of dirt", one of my Irish friends told me in reply to my concerned questioning of the planned event! Hope I make it to the hill before it does get flattened into becomming highway foundations?!!

View with Teacosy* Number 13; Roma Cosy & Teacosy* Number 29; Cologne Christmas Cosy in front of a line up of Teacosy* Revolution Portraits by Tasmanian photographer Alan Moyle (
http://www.photobat.net/). The tea cosies aren't arranged very well in this shot as they'd just been handled by enthusiastic visitors...which is great, and understandable...though too much touching can be harmful to (exhibition) textiles! A tenuous situation...solved by providing gloves for people to handle cosies at will!

View through Teacosy* Number 16; The Constant Gardener, to three other coises.

Four teacosies* displayed on shelving to emulate old railway carriages & waiting rooms in turn of the 20th Century Railway Stations, mixed with a look of an industrial tea room.

Teacosy* Number 27; The Black Widow, Teacosy* Number 16; The Constant Gardener, & Teacosy* Number 28; The Hill of Tara Cosy, on display.

A view of the exhibition without people in it.

Reading from The Teacosy* Revolution Manifesto...Im hoping a Melbourne publisher is going to take it on...they seem interested, and then it will be printed and available before Christmas!!

Lucy enjoying a cuppa before she gets ready to go to France...

Joce pours tea for the parched exhibition goers!

Rainier, Tim and Carolyn taking tea before the Anthem singing.

Another view of visitors enjoying the exhibition (taken by Rainier or Shawn?!)

A view of the exhibition opening, which coincided with The Melbourne Scarf Festival hosted by Craft Victoria. Everyone got into the spirit of the Revolution and sang the Revolutionary Cosy Anthem written by fellow Australian, singer songwriter Jocelyn Moen...seen here wearing her personal tea cosy I made her in Paris!
This is the invitation for The Teacosy* Revolution exhibition I had in Melbourne at the end of last month. I'm posting more images from the opening and from the space when there were no visitors viewing the work.
I just want to say a huge thanks to the wonderful staff at Craft Victoria for their assistance and enthusiasm, and also to everyone who came to see the show...which is what makes an exhibition!
A virtual cup of tea (and cake of your choice) to you all and may we meet again! Happy Afternoon Tea times!!