I'm revisiting images of tea cosies I've made in the past three years, to give me some creative direction for this coming year.
These are images of 'Russian Caravan Cosy', made for a friend's mother in New Zealand...I'm hoping I haven't already posted these pics...I may have, so apologies for the double up...though they are lovely images and another tour of the tea tray is worth while.
Hand embroidery and applique on silk and vintage glace cotton found in a French Op-Shop in Cahors, is the basis for this cosy, with some delicate hand embroidered floiage and abstract flowers on the reverse side. The idea of the Babushka dolls and the Russian Easter eggs, all decorated with intricate paintwork inspired the appliqued egg-shaped design on the other side. I had the scent of smokey Russian Caravan tea in my nostrils as I was making it!
The photo was taken during a self-initiated arts residency at Hotel du Midi, in Lauzes, Southern France in 2005. It was a wonderful experience...and I can't wait for another opportunity to take myself on a tea cosy making retreat in February.