Sunday, 10 February 2008

My favourite portrait by Zarhloul

This photo of me was taken towards the end of 2005 during a session with my photographer friend and ex-boyfriend, Abdel Zarhloul, in Paris.
We took a heap of different shots with different tea cosies I'd made and started the Teacosy* Revolution, in visual sense!
I love this almost chaste and devotional image and it still reminds me of all my favourite places and things in Paris...can't wait to go back!

You can see more of Zarhloul's work on



The Exton Gardener said...

There's something quite Madonna-like about that image. Is this a side of you we don't know? It is a superb photo though.

But how your teacosies have developed. They're probably less restrained, more rich and certainly of a more spontaneous character. Perhaps when your Police commission is finished(!) you should purge yourself with a jailhouse teacosy to clear the system!

Fer said...

Funny, I was thinking Madonna too! Must be the red lips and hand gestures.

Great photos, and I love the others on Flikr too.