Saturday, 8 November 2008

Looking for direction...

Voila, une femme Francaise...Mme Chanel, talking about how she works...


a good yarn said...

Alright, so my French is not that good. In fact it's just not so I haven't a clue what she was on about...but...she did look awfully styliah saying it.

C'est la vie!...Ann :)

a good yarn said...

I was thinking about your post today and realised that for many years I have faithfully followed a little piece of advise from Mme Chanel - before you leave the house, take one thing off. Of course she meant accessories and not clothing, right?

Ann :)

Mlle La Revolution des Cache-Pots said...

Oh yes, I think she meant accessories! She used to wear enough of them, so think she could afford to take off a few things before venturing into the world...she did do wonders for costume jewellery after all! I think if I took anything off before leaving the house, it would have to be a button or a sock...I don't tend to tart myself up with accessories, they only jingle and get caught on things! Now if I had a really beautiful Chatelaine...